Motto: Macte virtute sic
itur ad astra.
"So to the stars we go -
For doing as we ought below."
Arms of Symond Fiske of Stadhaugh.
From "Fisk and Fiske Family -Being the record of the Descendants of Symond Fiske, Lord of the Manor of Stadhaugh, Suffolk County, England, from the time of Henry IV, to Date, including all the American Members of the Family", by Frederick Clifton Pierce, published in 1896.
Symond Fiske, Lord of the Manor of Stadhaugh, held lands in Laxfield Parish, and was probably grandson of Daniel Fisc, before mentioned. He bore for his arms, chequey, argent and gules, upon a pale, sable, three mullets pierced, or. These arms, with a crest added, were confined to Prof. Nicholas Fiske, professor in Physic, of Stadhaugh, in Laxfield.
In 1633 a charter of confirmation was issued from Herald's College. It acknowledges the use of the arms by an ancestor to all the emigrants.
To all and singular persons to whom these presents shall come, Wm. Segar, Knight, Garter Principall, King of Arms of Englishmen, sendeth his due commendations and greeting in our Lord God everlasting.
Know yea that anciently from the beginning it hath been a custome in all countries and common wealths well governed, that the bearing of certain signes in shields (commonlie called arms) hath been and are the only markes and demonstrations either of prowess, virtue and valour in times of war or peace, and of good life and conversation for learning, magistracy and. civil government in times of peace diversley distributed according to the qualities and deserts of the persons demeriting the same, which order, as it was most prudentlic devised in the beginning, to stirr and kindle the hearts of men to the imitation of virtue and nobleness; even so hath the same been and yet is continually observed to the end that such as have done commendable service to Prince and country either in war or peace may receive due honor in their lives, and also devise after their deathes successively to their posterity. Amongst the which number I find Nicholas Fiske of Studhaw in the parish of Laxfield, in the county of Suffolk, Professor in Phisick, son of Nathan Fiske of the same son of William, son of Thomas, son of William Fiske of Studhaw aforesaid that lived in the raignes of King Henry the sixt, Edward the III, Richard the third and King Henry the seventh, who beared for their coats armor, as followeth viz, checkey argent and gules, upon a pale sable, three mullets or, pearced and wanting further for an ornament onto his said coate of Armes, as diverse auntient coates are found to want, a convenient creaste or cognizence fitt for him the said Nicholas to beare, who hath requested me the saide Garter to assign him such a one as he may lawfullie use without wrong doing or prejudice to any person or persons whatsoever which according to his due request I have accomplished and granted in manner and forme followeth (that is to say), on a healme a torse argent and gules a triangle, argent, above the upper angle an estoile, or, mantelled gules, doubled argent, as more plainly appeareth depicted in the margent hereof. All which armes and creaste I the said Garter King of Armes by power and authoritie of my office, under the great seal of England, due appoint, give, grant, ratifie and confirme onto the said Nicholas Fiske and to his posteritie forever and that it shaft be lawfull for him and them to use and show forth the same in signet, shield, ensigne, or coate armor or otherwise at his or their pleasure, at all times, and in all places, according to the ancient laws or arms and laudable custome of England, without let or mollestation. In witness whereof, I the saide Garter have hereonto set my hand and seale of office, the 16th day of November, A. D. 1633, and in the 9th yeare of the raigne of our Souveraigne Lord Charles by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the Faith, etc.